Displaying 1 - 30 of 33 in total

0033 - Climate Change, Narcissists, and Doomspeakers

Climate change is a huge topic. It has myths mapping onto every part of the narcissist's prayer, concerned people, and some claiming the end of everything! Everything ...

0032 - Turin the Evidence for the Shroud

The Shroud of Turin is a piece of fabric in Turin Italy that has little to do with Jesus. By why do so many people think it was the death shroud of Christ? We Discuss ...

0031 - Don’t be Fooled

We have discussed many ways to get at truth with incomplete information. We re-assess these and try to apply them to some problems today. There is discussion of what w...

0030 - War of Misinformation

With war comes violence and death, and people lying about the violence and death for their own gain. Who is lying and why? What can we know for sure? The Rumor mill, A...

0029 - The Curious Case of Birds

Some are saying that the US government secretly killed all the birds and replaced them with advanced drones. This is non-sense and satire, but still useful to tease ap...

0028 - Infographics and Media Consolidation

There are tons of pretty pictures with claims of wisdom and data. Some are pure shit and some are decent. One came to our attention about media consolidation and we wa...

0026b or 0027 - The Big Lie, One Year Later Part 2

Trump has cast doubt on the US election process with repeated claims of election malfeasance. Are these claims real problems or lies to steal power? So much, that it t...

0026 - The Big Lie, One Year Later

Trump has cast doubt on the US election process with repeated claims of election malfeasance. Are these claims real problems or lies to steal power? Screw the suspense...

0025 - Misinformation Sources

So many sources out there are spewing bullshit. Most of us can tell fact from fiction, but convincing Dysevidentia sufferers that their favorite source is supplying no...

0024 - Video Game Violence won’t kill you in 2021 but…

Spoiler: there isn't any link between playing video games and violence, but it is understandable that some people think there is. There are several papers discussing t...

0023 - Weather or Not to Support Labor

A tornado ripped through a candle factory and an Amazon shipping facility, and people needlessly died. Sqeaky and Mako will discuss the violations of workers' rights t...

0022 - You Are Not Immune to American Nationalist Propaganda

Mako and Sqeaky tackle the propaganda most Americans are immersed in. Maybe this will be illuminating for our international listeners, it might explain some things Ame...

0021 - Annunaki and Ancient Aliens

We did a deep dive in space topics a while ago, but this time, Mako has dug deeper into Annunaki and Ancient Alien myths than archaeologists into the pyramids. We woul...

0020 - Autumn Holidays Myths

We are a few days late for Halloween, but plenty early for Thanksgiving. After all the heavy news and topics, let's keep it light and look at common myths around these...

0019 - Striketober

There are so many strikes going on right now, and so many people claiming workers are "lazy" or "entitled". Clearly those people can go fuck themselves, but we have ga...

0018 - The Big Flood (of nonsense)

Sqeaky and Mako discuss the biblical flood myth. There really are some people who think the world really did drown save one boat. Why do people think this? How can you...

0017 - Dissecting Misinformation

Sqeaky and Mako tackle a bunch of misinformation directly and have a hard and heartfelt conversation with someone struggling with a death likely caused by misinformati...

0016 - Reproducing Evidence but Not god

Sqeaky and Mako open up about their histories with religion and share their stories leaving faith. They also discuss how to experts reproduce evidence and determine wh...

0015 - The Limits of Evidence

People like to "I have evidence" or "look at the evidence". but when does this make sense? What are the limits of evidence? Afghanistan is a hot topic now and there ar...

0014 - More Covid Misinformation

We are all seeing tons of covid misinformation. Just as every social meet up is a vector for covid, every social network is a vector for misinformation about covid. Ma...

0013 - Oil and Climate Change with the Rock Doctor

Sqeaky and Mako finish up the interview with the Rock Doctor, Sean Hodges PhD. They focus on oil and climate. Then they address a number of myths that conflict with cl...

0012 - Evolution and Creationism with the Rock Doctor

Sqeaky and Mako interview the Rock Doctor AKA Dr Sean Hodges, a Geophysicist from Oxford and ask him a few questions that any 7th grader could answer yet 4 in 10 adult...

0011 - Healthcare, America’s got You Covered (rules and restrictions apply)

The lack of a healthcare system doesn’t work for millions of Americans. Yet, some think it is the greatest healthcare system in the world. Sqeaky and Mako discuss this...

0010 - Hard to Joke About Ethics

Sqeaky and Mako try real hard to say something funny (and fail?) during serious discussion of ethics. They get schooled on academic ethics by a grad student on how the...

0009 - Q Review

Sqeaky and Mako review “Q: Into the Storm” and documentaries as a whole. You can listen to them make mistakes and learn as they watch and review episode by episode. Li...

0008 - Work Will Set You Free

Read the show notes and see the sources at https://dysevidentia.transistor.fm/episodes/work-will-set-you-free . This episode Sqeaky rants about words and Socialism. Th...

0007 - Evaluating Evidence or Not

Read the Show notes at https://dysevidentia.transistor.fm/episodes/evaluating-evidence-or-not - Sqeaky has a rant about Winning versus Understanding. Then Sqeaky and M...

0006 - Dysevidentia Links and Responses

https://dysevidentia.transistor.fm/episodes/dysevidentia-links-and-responses - Sqeaky has a rant about Pascal's wager, and with Mako they discuss Pop-Psychology diagno...

0005 - Shooting Down Gun Myths

https://dysevidentia.transistor.fm/episodes/shooting-down-gun-myths - This episode Sqeaky briefly discusses what dysevidentia is then him and Mako jump in to discussin...

0004 - The Right Mask for the Wrong Reason

https://dysevidentia.transistor.fm/episodes/the-right-mask-for-the-wrong-reason - Sqeaky has a rant about how even fictional characters have trans-rights, bigots poiso...

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